Personal And Business Life Transformation


My Journey

Born into a family who frequently travelled, moving and living abroad became a natural way of life. I enjoyed the excitement of jumping in the car ready for the next adventure, finding comfort for the long journey and falling asleep to the vibration of the engine. Although I didn’t know it then, letting go and
entering new situations with an open mind became valuable tools I came to appreciate.

At a young my parents spotted I had a talent for golf and the first 15 years of my life were dedicated to it. International tournaments took me around the world as I was introduced to variety of different cultures, lifestyles and interesting people. By 22-years-old, my competing days felt complete and I later turned professional in order to teach.

Two years later, in 2017 I joined a group Root Chakra Tour in Peru with The White Rabbit Reveals (TWRR). This marked a turning point in my life and I was introduced to higher states of awareness –– understanding how experiences are shaped by our belief systems –– to see the full picture of who we are.

A year later and after adjusting from Peru’s insights, in 2018 I decided to travel to India where I taught golf and received mentorship from TWRR. Exposed to a different way of life and humbled by how much I had to learn, India educated me in Life. Holographic consciousness supported that by helping me understand myself by piecing together how beliefs created life’s experiences. Towards the end of my employment contract Covid broke out. I took the sign as my queue to leave India and the golf industry to return to England where my curiosity in education developed. Following synchronicity, in 2021 I signed up to Rudolf
Steiner 3-year teacher training program with continued mentorship in long term programs with TWRR. A couple years later I became a licensed training consultant followed by completing my teacher training.

Since 2024 I’m excited to work remotely and travel full time with my cabin bag and rucksack. I enjoy exploring new places which all reflects aspects of myself, create new experiences, understand what I’m learning about consciousness and how everything is connected, make countless embarrassing mistakes, soon to get back up and try that all over again. I love what I do –– teaching English to businesses as a second language and working with clients in personal transformation courses ­–– supporting people grow made only possible as I continue to evolve myself which is the nature of holographic consciousness.

As you evolve, I evolve and as I evolve, you evolve. We are connected and one cannot go without the other.